Welcome to Noonvale, also known as Enchanted Rose. Located here is information about as well as links to my fanlistings, fansites, and other projects.
April 22, 2020
New affiliate: Hakanai.net!

April 8, 2017
I've updated my Beauty and the Beast fansite Tale As Old As Time and it now has its own url. I've also opened the Queenie Goldstein fanlisting and the fanlisting for The Secret Life of Pets.
May 19, 2016
It's been a really long time! I've been working on my website little by little and put up a new layout that I have been wanting to make for a while, featuring one of the outtake images from Barbie: Princess Charm School. I've opened up a few fanlistings and will be changing the layout on Tale As Old As Time soon as well.