Cards from Park Hopper - A Disney Resort TCG
Card Count: 45
Card Worth: 47
Number of Regular Cards: 43
Number of Special Cards: 2
Level: 02
My Cards and Log
January 10, 2009 - I've set up my pages and starter pack cards.
January 31, 2009 - From the updates, I took one card for each letter in MICKEY: I Took: M: spaceMountain01, I: fantasyfaIre03,
C: spaCemountain08, K: micKeywaffles15, E: bEautybeast01,Y: beautYbeast02. Also took the Snow White pixel for completing the Create A Membercard Quest for Quasimodo's Quests.
February 24, 2008 - For the February 18th post about LOVE- I took L - jungLecruise01, O - tOwerofterror01,V - Belle05,E - fantasyfairE01. I also traded my spacemountain02 and spacemountain08 cards with Wendy for towerofterror03 and towerofterror04. Tomorrowland Games!: From playing Ariel's Grotto - I took Merryweather11 and Smallworld12. From playing Talking Wardrobe, I took fantasyfaire08 and spacemountain13. From playing Belle's Library, I took monorail08, Fauna05, and Belle01. From playing It's A Small World, I took Aurora15 and Jasmine01. From playing Pinnochio's Daring Journey, I took Jasmine06 and Aurora10.
March 14, 2008 - From March 01 new decks - took walkthrough13, indiana01, cinderelladoll09, and ride10 (members favorite ride). From March 11 updates - took peterpan09, startours11, teacups02, and libertybelle01.
March 25, 2009 - I traded my startours11, walkthrough 13, smallworld 12 and peterpan 9 for Wendy's
Aurora 5, 6, tower of terror 7 and 14. I also traded member cards with Wendy!
May 5, 2009 - For leveling up I got mulan13, spaceranger15, and Belle15. I think I may have to leave this tcg however because I don't have too much time to update.
Member Cards & Other